BlueX eBL
Make trade smarter and enhance visibility with BlueX eBL.
In collaboration with
See it in Action
Manage eBL Online
Issue, transfer, amend eBLs
Issue, transfer, amend eBLs
Secure data handling
Secure data handling
Auditable history records
Auditable history records
DSCA compliant
DSCA compliant
The First Commercial Application of Open-source eBL
BlueX eBL is the first commercial application built on Open-source eBL.
BlueX is a founding member of Open eBL, the world’s first open-source electronic bill of lading (eBL) framework. This allows BlueX eBL to be extra robust and reliable by design.
BlueX eBL Portal
Open eBL White Paper
Advancing Global Trade through Open-source Electronic Bill of Lading
Discover the future of global trade and learn how eBLs streamline logistics, enhance security, and promote sustainability.
Download now to learn more about Open eBL.

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